lucylistens (the blog)

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13th, 2011

1. "The World Around You"- Warm Speakers:

I'm getting a little tired of overly electronic music. I miss guitars and actual drums but this song, I like. I think it's possibly the vocals that make up for the fact that it's more electronic and it is good electronic music So it's music like this that can still get my attention. 

2. "With You"- Sleepy Eyed Fox:

I get the cutest image in my head when I picture the title of this band. So clever.  This song has sweet acoustic guitar and lyrics to boot. Another song where the whole album (Weary Hearts) is great. 

3. "Thankful"- Caveman:

This song has a really nice guitar riff. For some reason it reminds me of The Eels and it also has a really good beat.  But in any case I'm "Thankful" they wrote this song. Bad joke. Sorry. Ignore it.

4. "Hoop Of Love"- Dominant Legs:

This is an incredibly upbeat song it's another good song for the car. I like the guitar in this song too. It's what gives the song its upbeat-ness.

5. "I Walked The Line"- Mujeres:

I found this song by chance on Myspace. But unfortunately that's the only way I can find it is on Myspace or Youtube. Since Mujeres means women or wives in Spanish when you search this band you can imagine lots of feminine things in Spanish come up. I don't find this band feminine though. They play kind of bluesy alternative rock. When they sing there's a slight trace of accent. I love it.

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