lucylistens (the blog)

Welcome to the Lucylistens blog. New songs, artists and albums are posted here for your musical enjoyment (You can click on almost anything)

Mood Playlists

This page is inspired by an idea from my dear friend, Kira.

Sometimes when you get in a certain mood you want to hear music to go along with it.  This page has  playlists for all different moods or occasions. It will most likely be updated often as I add more moods. Also feel free to send me mood suggestions on the "Contact me" page at :)

Off To Dreamy Land Playlist:

These are songs I listen to when I want to relax and drift into sleep. Sometimes I just listen to these songs to calm myself down too.

Anger and Frustration playlist:

Maybe not all of these songs are ABOUT anger but when I'm angry it helps to hear loud hard rock kind of music.

Songs To Lift Your Spirits:

These songs all speak to me in some way. I feel something when I hear them. Some of them even give me energy.

Happy playlist:

Songs to listen to when you're in a good mood or maybe when you aren't to make you smile. Nothing like a bit of music to fix or enhance a mood.

The Lovey Dovey Playlist:

Yes. That mood where you float everywhere. Everything is bliss and you just want to hear people sing about it. Here are songs for that. 

Sad Songs:

And then there are those times when you're sad and just need to be sad. Heartbreak, bad day whatever it is sometimes you need to get it out.

I Miss You, Love Playlist:

Yes there's a playlist for this. We all miss people and I guess that would be why there are so many good songs about missing people.

Mellow Playlist:

Ah Yes. The music that is always there for you. Sometimes it's in the background, sometimes you just sit and focus on this music but however you experience it mellow music is a wonderful thing. It's the in between kind of mood.

Chill Club mix: 

This playlist literally puts me in the most relaxed of moods. It's club mix though because of the synths and dj-ing and remixing of the songs. Some of it is actually music off of club cds. My parents used to go to London a lot and they loved the blue bar and they often brought home blue bar cds. Otherwise my mom is really into music like this. I get most of my music taste from her!