lucylistens (the blog)

Welcome to the Lucylistens blog. New songs, artists and albums are posted here for your musical enjoyment (You can click on almost anything)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2nd, 2012

1."Paddling Out"- Miike Snow:

I can always count on Miike Snow for my upbeat, up-tempo music needs, There's essence of the "Miike Snow" album in this song but there are some new sounds too.

2."07.45 (Bring Me Back Home)- We Are Standard:

As confused as I am about the title of this song I greatly enjoy it. It's the kind of song that I can see being in a movie someday. It reminds me of summer, which cannot come fast enough this year.

3."Shallow"- Beach Fossils:

Perfect for my "ready for spring" feeling. Beach Fossils remind me of summer. This song has that summery Beach Fossils sound.

4." Love Interruption"- Jack White:

Believe it or not, out of all the projects Jack White has had his brilliant mind in this is his first solo project. It's pretty different from everything else he's done. More acoustic and less Icky Thump. See what you think.

5."Florida"- Princeton:

Another band that makes me think of summer about a place where I am in the summer. It has a really nice little melody.